BC Rivers Day

BC Rivers Day website
Thousands of British Columbians celebrate BC Rivers Day on the last Sunday in September each year, making it Canada's largest river appreciation event.
BC Rivers Day generates public awareness about British Columbia's waterways. Recreational clubs, conservation organizations, community groups, schools, and local governments host BC Rivers Day events across the province.
ORC has seen the event grow exponentially over the past 30 years. This growth can be attributed to British Columbians' growing concern for the state of local waterways.
BC Rivers Day provides a positive opportunity for diverse groups to show why BC waterways are important. Planned events celebrate the following river values:
cultural • ecological • historical • aesthetic • recreational

Past Rivers Day events include:
River Clean-ups
Riverside nature walks
School projects
Community festivals
Habitat enhancement
Paddle trips Art exhibitions

Click here for more information about BC Rivers Day, and to find an event
This year's BC Rivers Day coincides with World Rivers Day. Click here to find out more about this initiative.

Author: Jill Thompson
Type : Presentation